Divisions among Brahmins
Brahmins being the intellectuals and charged with the responsibility of preserving the national heritage – the Vedas, were given certain privileges, particularly under the criminal law. They enjoyed immunity from death sentence. As a matter of fact the whole criminal law was heavily biased in favor of the first three classes in decreasing measures. But in crimes involving moral turpitude the law was biased against them in the reverse order . For example in case of theft the Brahmin was fined four times to that of a Shudra. If a Shudra was found to have committed theft of food articles, when he was hungry he was let off without punishment. We have noticed earlier how the Varna was gradually being transformed into caste. In the middle ages the process of disintegration and division in the society was accelerated on the basis of birth, vocation, sect and custom. New castes and sub-castes were formed. Each of them was engaged in the protection of one’s own group. The overall interest of...